
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Not music related

But I seriously wish someone would behead Mark Zuckerberg. Will someone please kill this greedy nerdy jew bitch? I would love to see him dead, that would make my day. He can go fuck himself and I hope he suffers the worse death possible. Kay thanks. And remember, DEATH TO ZUCKERBERG, THE GREEDY JEW WHO SELLS YOUR PRIVATE INFO.


  1. WOW he sells your private info? I didnt know that shit

  2. Well I don't know him.
    So he can fuck off in my book.

  3. Check out Diaspora. It's supposed to be the "next" Facebook, only with privacy and personal property respected. It hasn't launched yet, still in development, but there is a lot of info out there about it.

  4. yeah zuckerbergs an asshole. lold at ur post.

  5. Zuckerberg is a frat douche who needs endless jew fucking gold.

  6. i hate fb too :S though i still use it cuz most, if not all, my friends use it

  7. Small social networks mostly consist out of someones dedication, shared passion and the people connected through it. It's sad that you clearly see that facebook's motives are different ones.
